How To Check Node Version In Visual Studio Code Terminal

How To Check Node Version In Visual Studio Code Terminal

2 min read 23-11-2024
How To Check Node Version In Visual Studio Code Terminal

Knowing your Node.js version is crucial for any JavaScript developer. This quick guide shows you how to effortlessly check your Node version directly within the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) terminal. We'll cover multiple methods and troubleshoot common issues.

Why Check Your Node Version?

Before diving into the how-to, let's understand why checking your Node version is so important:

  • Project Compatibility: Different Node versions might have varying support for specific packages and features. Checking ensures your project's dependencies are compatible.
  • Debugging: If you encounter errors, knowing your Node version can help identify compatibility issues as a potential source.
  • Updates: Staying updated with the latest Node.js releases is vital for security and access to new features. Regularly checking helps you monitor for necessary updates.
  • Collaboration: Sharing project code often requires specifying the necessary Node version. This ensures consistent behavior across different development environments.

Method 1: Using the node -v Command

The simplest and most direct method uses the node -v command. This command is built into Node.js itself.

  1. Open VS Code Terminal: In VS Code, open the integrated terminal by going to View > Terminal.

  2. Type the Command: Type node -v and press Enter.

  3. View the Version: The output will display your currently installed Node.js version, like this:


    This shows you have Node.js version 18.16.0 installed.

Method 2: Using the npm -v Command

Node Package Manager (npm) usually comes bundled with Node.js. You can indirectly check the Node version by checking the npm version. While not as precise, this method can still be helpful.

  1. Open VS Code Terminal: As before, open the VS Code terminal.

  2. Type the Command: Type npm -v and press Enter.

  3. View the Version: npm will display its version number. While this doesn't directly state the Node version, the npm version often correlates with a specific Node.js version range.


    This shows you have npm version 9.8.1 installed. You can then refer to npm's release notes or Node.js's documentation to find a likely corresponding Node version. However, this method is less reliable than node -v.

Troubleshooting: Node.js Not Found

If either command returns an error message like " 'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command...", this means Node.js isn't correctly installed or added to your system's PATH environment variable.

  • Verify Installation: Double-check that Node.js is installed on your system. You can download it from the official Node.js website:

  • Add to PATH: During Node.js installation, make sure to select the option to add Node.js to your system's PATH. This allows the terminal to locate the node executable. If you skipped this during installation, you'll need to manually add it to your PATH environment variable. Instructions for this vary depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). Search online for "add Node.js to PATH [your OS]" for specific instructions.

  • Restart VS Code: After adjusting your PATH, restart VS Code for the changes to take effect.

Checking Node Version within a Project

If you're working within a specific project that uses a .nvmrc file (Node Version Manager), the terminal will automatically use the specified Node version. You can check this using the same node -v command within the project's directory.


Checking your Node.js version in the VS Code terminal is a straightforward process using the node -v command. Remember to verify your Node.js installation and PATH settings if you encounter errors. Understanding your Node version is key to smooth development and collaboration.

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